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The creative style of the modern Ukrainian sculptor Viktor Konoval certainly distinguishes it among many artists by the deep study of plastic forms, a bold combination of opposites, such as simplicity and exaggeration, delicacy and reliability, which leads to elegant solutions in the performance of work.

Viktor Konoval was born in Kyiv in 1964. From 1980 to 1984 he studied at the Kyiv Art and Industrial College (now ‒ Kyiv State Academy of Decorative and Applied Arts and Design named after Mykhailo Boichuk) at the Faculty of Art Design.

He continued his studies at the Faculty of Graphics of the National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture (1987 — 1993; teachers — V.Sergeev, O.Krivonis, A. Chebykin).

He  worked on probation at the Munich Academy of Arts, where he became interested in sculpture. He insistently studied the works of prominent sculptors — Albert Paley, Osip Tsadkina, Cesar Baldaccini, Alexander Archipenko, Henry Moore, Alberto Giacometti.

Gradually, with the understanding of the plastics of each of them, the graceful taste of V. Konoval was also formed. The true skill of the artist is to study the experience of great predecessors, basic techniques and rules and understand how to break them.

Thanks to academic art education in the field of graphics and sculpture and rethinking the legacy of outstanding world artists, V. Konoval managed to combine graphic thinking and sculptural forms in his works and this is the difference of his art. Victor experimented with various materials — glass, chamotte, granite, but the exquisite bronze became his favorite.

His female images are an expression of rhythm, sometimes minimized and collected, sometimes challenging, but each time the author pays homage to the female body. He looks for the limits of aesthetics without giving up the desire for harmony and elegance, which makes his work even more interesting.

Nowdays Viktor Konoval is a famous sculptor, member of the Kyiv organization National Union of Artists of Ukraine, Head of the National Ukrainian Committee of the International Association of Fine Arts. He is a participant many exhibitions and Sculpture Salons in Ukraine and Europe.

Sculpture of V. Konoval causes something more than just aesthetic pleasure. You can rationally analyze his work and emphasize the quality of their textures and patinas, the roundness of forms, the bold combination of materials, the game of space, motion or ratio, but in its case the final result infinitely exceeds the sum of the individual parts. The author achieves in his works special magnetism, the halo of mystery, which attracts and responds to the deepest vibrations of our soul.

 Ganna Lavrekha – curator, gallerist.

© Victor Konoval. 2022